E-ISSN: 2548-0294
Volume: 2  Issue: 2 - 2017
1.Determination Of The Traid Anger And Anger Expression Styles And Decision-Making Levels Of The Students
Veysel Temel, Sefa Şahan Birol, Selahattin Akpınar, Kazım Nas
doi: 10.22326/ijass.15  Pages 122 - 132
This research was done with the aim of determination whether self-esteem in decision making and decision making
styles and trait anger and anger expression styles of the students participating in sportive recreational activities
differ in terms of different variables or not.
Research group consisted of 258 students who participated at the recreational activities. “The Melbourne Deciding
Scale (MDS)” and “Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scale (TAAE) were used as data collection tool.
It can be said that the trait anger point average of the athletes participated in the research with (Mean=22,5147),
internalized anger point average (Mean=17,2794) and externalized anger point average (Mean=17,9706) was low
but, their controlled anger point average was midlevel with (Ort.=20,5441). And self esteem in decision making
point average with (Mean= 5,23), careful decision making style point average (Mean=5,01), avoidant decision
making style point average (Mean=5,65), postponer decision making style point average (Mean=4,58) and panic
decision making style point average were low with (Mean=4,17).

2.Analysing The Effects Of Equestrian Sports On Balance And Equestrian Motor Skills Among Children Between 9-12 Years Old
Özgür Dinçer
doi: 10.22326/ijass.20  Pages 133 - 142
Ever-growing and ever-changing technology has an impact on our children and makes them be addicted to it. It is
thought to be the reason for physical activity and muscle usage to decrease. It is also the reason of decreasing
muscle movements, loss in muscle force as a result of inadequacy in capability of moving, bad posture, lack of
self-confidence caused by failure in applying the movements and lack of balance. This analysis is to study the
effects of equestrian sports on balance and equestrian motor skills among children between 9-12 years old. 10
children between 9-12 years old participated in this study. 5 of them were females and 5 of them were males. The
research group was chosen after necessary permission was taken from İstanbul Kenan Bey Horse Farm. In this
study, flamingo balance test was used for balance evaluation. The equipment was 50 cm long, 4 cm high and 3 cm
wide metal beam. Trainer tries to keep balance as much as possible by standing on dominant foot for 1 minute.
Every move that the participant makes to keep his/her balance again is equal to 1 point. The one who has 15 moves
will have 0 point. That means that the participant is not able to apply the test properly. 11-14 moves are 1 point,
10-7 moves are 2 points, 4-6 moves are 3 points, 3-1 moves are 4 points. The one who does not do any balancing
moves will have 5 points. Observation method was used in evaluating equestrian motor skills. Mean and average
deviations of statistical values of obtained data were determined in data analysis and Wilcoxan Test was used.
Significant difference in the level of P<0,05 was found. As a result, it is found that equestrian sports have positive
effects for children on the control of mental process, increase in capability of moving and balance skills as motoric

3.Examination Of The Level Of Social Skills Of Vocational High School Students
Selehatin Akpınar, Öznur Akpınar
doi: 10.22326/ijass.17  Pages 143 - 155
This study aimed to determine the level of social skills of vocational high school students and reveal whether they
differ according to demographic characteristics.
750 vocational high school students from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University participated in this study. Social
Skills Inventory developed by Riggio (1986) and adapted into Turkish by Yuksek in 1997 was used.
The level of social skills of the students was found as
= 280,7840 and the fact that students had intermediate
level of social skills was found by taking cognizance of the highest and lowest scores in the scale. While there was
no difference found in some of the demographic characteristics of the social skills level of the students, there was
a meaningful difference in some variables.

4.The Effects Of Some Variables On Anger Levels Of Students Doing Sports
Alparslan Ince, Ayhan Dever
doi: 10.22326/ijass.19  Pages 156 - 166
The research has been done with the aim of revealing the relation of high school students’ anger levels who do
sport at school to different variables. As the research model, descriptive model has been taken up in quantitative
research methods. The research group consists of 527 adolescent students who study at various high schools in
Karaman province center. Adolescent Anger Rating Scale (AARS) has been used in order to determine
participants’ anger levels that was developed for 11-19 age adolescents by Burney (2001) and was adapted to
Turkish by Aslan and Sevinçler-Togan (2009). With this scale, four anger type points are obtained: reactive anger,
instrumental anger, anger control and total anger. Multiple regression analysis has been used in order to determine
cause and effect relation between dependent and independent variables. SPSS (Statistical package for social
sciences) package programme has been used so as to evaluate data and finding estimated values. It can be said that
total anger point average of participant adolescent is (Mean77,41), instrumental anger point average of adolescent
anger level sub-dimension is (Mean=14,78), reactive anger point is (Mean=20,20) and anger control point average
is (Mean=42, ) which are in low levels. According to the results, a low level meaningful relation between anger
levels was found in Do you do sport?, How often do you do sport?, family income and school type variables.

5.Analyzing Motivation Factors Effective In Participation With Re-Creative Exercise Purposes In Fitness And Crossfit Centers
İsa Sağıroğlu, Harun Ayar
doi: 10.22326/ijass.22  Pages 167 - 179
The aim of this thesis is to determine the factors which motivate thr individuals exercising in Fitness and Crossfit
centers in Istanbul with the purpose of recreative activity and whether these causes change or not according to
some variabilities. The city of Istanbul is our research area. Individuals who exercise with the purpose of recreative
activity in Fitness and Crossfit centers have in Istanbul constitute the sample group of this research. Recreational
Exercise Motivation Measure (REMM) is used a the means of gathering data. The survey used in research consists
of total 66 clauses in five sub aspects which include the factors that might motivate the individuals to recreational
exercise. Statements partaking in the scale are evaluated with Strongly Disagree(1) and Strongly Disagree (5) five
point likert scale. The data is separated regularly while it is being evaluated and variances are found homogeneous.
Therefore, Independent-Samples T Test and Pearson's Correlation methods of analysis are used during the
research. While there is no difference between male and female who exercise with the aim of recreative activity
in both Fitness and Crossfit centers, It has been observed that Crossfit participants are more motivated than the
Fitness participants. While there aren't so much difference between the factors motivating the male and female
who participate the Fitness centers, Male participants are more motivated than females with difference regard to
competition in Crossfit centers. Whereas the rem scale has a connection with a positive meaning between health,
competition, social entertainment and skill developments lower dimension and the time of exercise, there isn't a
meaningful connection between the lower dimensions of body appearance.

6.Examination Of Problem Solving Abilities And Decision Making Styles Of College Students In Terms Of Some Variables
Selehatin Akpınar, Öznur Akpınar
doi: 10.22326/ijass.16  Pages 180 - 194
This study aimed to reveal the level of decision making abilities of college students and whether their selfesteem
and decision making styles during decision making differ or not by determining their level of problem
solving abilities and self-esteem and decision making styles in decision making.
Problem Solving Inventory developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) and adapted intoTurkish by Sahin et al
(1993) and Melbourne Decision Making Scale I-II developed by Mann et al (1998) (Melbourne Decision Making
Questionnaire) and adapted intoTurkish by Deniz (2004) were implemented to 460 college students at
Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University.
The level of problem solving abilities of the students was found as
X = 96,4771 and the fact that the level of
problem solving of the students was determined higher than intermediate when taking cognizance of the highest
and lowest scores in the scale. As for decision making, their scores of self-esteem in decision making and the
scores of carefully decision making were found high, the score of decision making in panic was found
intermediate and the score of avoidably decision making was found low. There was no difference found among
some students in terms of demographic characteristics but there was meaningful difference in some variables in
both problem solving abilities and self-esteem in decision making and decision making styles of the students.

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